Student IT Usage Policy

See Policies and Procedures

Wi-Fi (Auckland Campus)

Student Network: ACSTUDENT
Password: Animat10n


Username: student ID (all lowercase)
Password: changeme (you will be required to change this the first time you log in)


The Auckland Campus library is located on the 11th floor (turn right from Reception). The library is open from 8.30am - 5.00pm (approximately), Monday-Friday. All books are reference only and cannot be removed from the room. 

Looking into Animation College Library  


Photocopiers are available in several locations across the Animation College campuses. Students should become familiar with copyright law to ensure they are compliant with the education and fair dealings provisions contained within the Copyright Act (see links below for further information). If uncertain, please check with your tutor. 

Copyright Act 1994

Copyright Council of New Zealand

Last modified: Friday, 8 July 2016, 10:42 AM