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Indie Game Showcase

Picture of Blair Morpeth
Indie Game Showcase
by Blair Morpeth - Monday, 3 December 2018, 9:20 AM

Hey guys and girls,

I've been given the green light from TechWeek organisers to host the Indie Game Showcase (working title) here at GridAKL. They're really pumped about the idea and have expressed interest in promoting the event in their 'programme highlights' - woohoo!

I've put together a Google Form for developers interested in showcasing their games for TechWeek 2019. Please can you pass this on to potential applicants :) 

Thanks for your help with this. Email me here or work email (below) if you've got any questions and/or suggestions.

Jennifer Smith
Programme Coordinator GridAKL
A chance to showcase your work to the public and Indie Community in a gaming convention style setting. Connect with other developers of all stages. Gain real-world feedback and practise pitching your game.

Event Timing: TechWeek May 20th - 26th 2019 (likely Saturday 25th 2pm - 6pm. Final date and time TBA)
Event Address: GridAKL John Lysaght building, 101 Pakenham Street, Wynyard Quarter, Auckland
Contact us at